Notes on the 2000 CD re-release of Less Yackin’, More Snackin’:
This album, considered by many to be ROQUE’s finest, proved to be their last. Divisive elements had long festered within the band, in particular Nick Walsh’s raging drug problems. Says songwriter Cody Weathers: “Nick was just so clean-cut and upstanding --he got so angry about drug use by our peers that he couldn’t focus on the music anymore.” Walsh was in all likelihood led astray by former bandmate Colby Goff who had been elected Student Body President at Cherry Creek High School and purportedly “got Nick into” hard-core student government and other “clean living” preppie behaviors that ultimately were a greater weight than the fabric of the band could bear.
Weathers continues, “you contrast that with the hard partying lifestyle of the rest of the band from Speranza’s cocaine enemas to Fried’s potsmoke SCUBA system to my denatured-alcohol breakfasts, and you can see who was a rock star and who was --well, Student Body Vice-President.”
And what of Neil MacPherson, the brilliant young keyboardist who replaced Matt “Keyheim” Preheim? How did his introduction into the mix affect tensions in the band, either positively or negatively?
“Neil got mighty spacey at times. Naturally, this created conflict with Nick’s surfing solo style. I mean, all this discord is great for the listeners, but we’re only human --how much force can we resist? We’re weak, the answer is very little. The band broke up over spaciness versus surfiness and whether certain tie-wearing sissy members were sick of getting Taco Bell at practices and would rather we make PB&J and donate the Taco Fund to the homeless. Crap like that. For Pete’s sake, Nick, must your judgement and that of America be on us, the junkie musicians?!”
And not then because the band members were going to different colleges?
“Are you kidding? That’s just record label PR, man.... I mean John Fried blew a million dollars on Tijuanan Chicken Whores. A Million Dollars! We were riding an out-of control wave of preppie good looks and drugged-up realism and crazy illegal bestial sex acts. If we’d wanted to stay together, we would have.”